Use "has a head on his shoulders|have a head on his shoulder" in a sentence

1. She reposed her head on his shoulder.

2. The child pillowed his head on his mother's shoulder.

3. She nestled her head on his shoulder.

4. 11 His head was resting on her shoulder.

5. They walked slowly and clumsily, her head resting on his shoulder.

6. I freed his wretched head from his miserable shoulders.

7. My head lolled against his shoulder.

8. There's a cherry on his head.

9. He nestled his head against her shoulder.

10. She nestled her head against his shoulder.

11. He snuggled his head onto her shoulder.

12. Why not... looks a strange sort, keeps his head shaven, has a long scar on the head.

13. He balanced a football on his head.

14. No, on his head.

15. 8 Men began to belabour his shoulders, his head, his arms with sticks.

16. He suddenly turned his head as though a disembodied finger had tapped his shoulder.

17. His performance stood head and shoulders above the rest.

18. A malevolent demon was standing on his head.

19. He got a nasty bump on his head.

20. If you touch a leaf on his head...

21. Rest your head on my shoulder.

22. His incompletely assembled weapon exploded, smothering his head, arms and shoulders in a mass of flames.

23. He was bleeding from a gash on his head.

24. I'd never hurt a hair on his pretty head.

25. He pillowed his head on a pile of books.

26. A drop of rain just lighted on his head.

27. He pulled his awkward cloak about his shoulders and closed his eyes, emptying his head of preoccupations.

28. He leapt on to a boulder, waving his weapon above his head.

29. Alan was concentrating too, his shoulders hunched, his head moving slightly as he read.

30. His head was buried in his hands, and his shoulders were heaving Convulsively as with sobs

31. To hell, with a rope around his neck and a price on his head.

32. Dr Soames jammed his hat squarely on his head.

33. With a flourish I put a miniature pinecone on his head.

34. He was unhurt apart from a lump on his head.

35. Do Amedon swung a bag of cement on his head.

36. The blow on his head stunned him for a moment.

37. He walked along with a jug poised on his head.

38. I struck at him on his head.

39. Dad put his hands on Benji’s head.

40. She reposed her head on her husband's shoulder.

41. He Bonked his head on the shelf

42. You harm one hair on his head....

43. + 12 His eyes are a fiery flame,+ and on his head are many diadems.

44. He must be killed for his crimes and his head put on a post.

45. He had a hood on and he kept his head down.

46. He had tumors on his head, on his kidneys, and even deep inside his bones.

47. He cocked his head on one side with a slight frown.

48. In 1920 the patient fell on a pavement Abrasing his head

49. Locke: I think that's overdoing it just a bit... He should have a bandana on his head!

50. In intelligence he was head and shoulders above the others in his class.

51. His unique delivery and style puts him head and shoulders above the rest.

52. He hit his head on the low ceiling.

53. The Bogeyman doesn’t face his prey head on

54. He struck his head on/against the beam.

55. They boy bumped his head on the desk.

56. His straw hat stuck jauntily on the side of his head.

57. And the helmet of salvation* on his head.

58. He was off his head on various drugs.

59. Why's he putting that sponge on his head?

60. The Head and Shoulders Bottom, sometimes referred to as an Inverse Head and Shoulders, is a reversal pattern that shares many common characteristics with the Head and Shoulders Top, but relies more heavily on volume patterns for confirmation.

61. Billy Tolboys was sitting on a crane bogie with his head buried in his hands.

62. If she sat beside him her head would loll on to his shoulder and stay there for long moments.

63. You see a man with his eyes set... and his head on a bias and his teeth like a mule's.

64. Pitsligo died there in 17 head, much to his surprise, still firmly attached to his unrepentant shoulders.

65. Assyrian king Ashurbanipal on his horse thrusting a spear onto a lion’s head

66. Carrying a child on his shoulders, he also crossed a billowing river on his knees.

67. He, the gangling lad, always head and shoulders above his classmates and always sniffing.

68. And his head, his...

69. I have a lump on my head.

70. A flour-bomb of dandruff on his shoulders.

71. I'll have your head on a spike!

72. Edward was enthralled; he leaned his head on his hands and gazed.

73. He felt a hand on his shoulder.

74. I clamped a hand on his shoulder.

75. He felt a thump on his shoulder.

76. Someone bashed him on the back of his head.

77. Her hand touched the compress on his head tentatively.

78. He bonked me on the head with his newspaper.

79. He that has a tongue in his head may find his way anywhere. 

80. He Cooperated, that is, until I went to put the head-piece on his head